Special Service Department

Phone:  918-786-3003
Fax:  918-786-4651 
For Record Requests Email Us

Grove Special Services

The Grove Public School District is committed to providing comprehensive educational services to all students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment.  The district makes every effort to contact, evaluate and educate all children suspected of having a disability, ages 3 through 21, under the provisions established by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 (IDEA).  Grove Public Schools also works with the Sooner Start Early Intervention Program in referrals for identification, evaluation and services for eligible infants and toddlers, from birth through two years of age. 

The Grove Public School District provides special education and related services for students identified as disabled under IDEA and who require such services in order to receive educational benefit and a free appropriate public education.  Special education programs and related services are provided for students with the following disabilities:  speech or language impairment, specific learning disabilities, deaf-blindness, deafness and hearing impairments, autism, emotional disturbance, visual impairment, developmental delays, traumatic brain injury, multiple disabilities, and intellectual disability. 

Physical:  800 Center Street Grove, OK 74344
Mailing:  District Special Services Grove, OK 74345

Special Education Director
Sheila Coronado
Send Email to Sheila Coronado
ext. 1907

Compliance Officer / Secretary
Jana Collier
Send email to Jana Collier
ext. 1909

Ed Plan Coordinator / Secretary

Susan Knapp
Send email to Susan Knapp
ext. 1903


Elsie Hoffstatter
Send Email to Elsie Hoffstartter
ext. 1909